Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bogged down with Reviews

Here’s my problem. As you may or may not know I do all my reviews in advance, sometimes long in advance. I do this because you never know when you’re not going to be able to eat something either because I’m sick or because I’m writing an article that has me eating enough junk food already. The problem that’s come up is I have way too many treats waiting to be posted; I also have a huge amount of treats waiting to be reviewed.
So I’ve decided to make a database of all the treats I have on deck for either review or to be posted. I find all to often I forget about reviews that are ready to go online and they just sit for weeks or even months. I’m still going to post weekly but at least now I’ll post a little more responsibly, get those limited editions and new treats up faster. Also I’ll give priority to treats that companies send me, it’s only fair.


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