Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Old Candy Critic Articles - Coke and Pop Rocks

I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week is part two of an article I wrote about what to pair with your Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week I answer one of the ultimate candy questions... What happens when you mix Coca-Cola and Pop Rocks. 
For your benefit we have done this experiment twice: Once by mixing Pop Rocks and Coke in a glass and videotaping it.  In the second experiment I simply eat the pop rocks and coke and pray I don't die. The first experiment allows you to see what horrible things are happening inside my body.

We shall first examine the results from in the glass.

We started off by filling the glass with one full packet of Pop Rocks. Pink seemed appropriate. The initial popping and explosion of liquid was rather shocking, but it calmed down quickly and continued to pop with all the ferocity of a bowl of Rice Krispies. Minutes later, it just fizzled out completely.

The smell of the “beverage” afterward was rather horrible, and after one sniff I decided that maybe taking a sip was a bad idea.

Next, we take a look at what happens when you (or in this case me) consume this kind of concoction directly.  We started off by filling my mouth with one full packet of Pop Rocks, blue was all we had left.

Putting a whole bag of Pop Rocks in your mouth is not really my idea of fun… No wait a minute, it is. Instantly my mouth was transformed from your average everyday mouth into a party of popping and fizzing.  After adding a little of the brown bubbly goodness into the mix I soon discovered that my biggest problem might be the fizz trying to escape from my mouth. Let’s just say, the party got out of hand.

I was keeping it in my mouth for the benefit of the photos, but eventually I did have to swallow what didn’t shoot out of my mouth when I tried to close it. Whenever I tried to close my mouth my cheeks would inflate, thus spewing what appeared to be green foam from my mouth. This did make it difficult to swallow but eventually I managed.

Thinking the worst was behind me, or at least safely inside me, I started to relax. Then, I felt the rumblings of a ball of gas in my stomach that kept getting bigger and bigger. In fact, it’s still there and it’s not feeling too hot right now. My stomach that is; I’m sure the gas is fine.

So now I wait. I’m either off to the hospital, going to burp myself senseless, or just drop dead. I’ll let you know tomorrow.

Day 2 part 1 (the first 12 hours)

I'm not dead if that means anything. I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm not going to die as a result of the Pop Rocks and Coke mix. I did feel really bloated for a while after, but nothing the occasional belch couldn't deal with. It's only been about 12 hours since I did it and they say that it takes about 24 hours for your “system to clear out”, so let's see how I do.
Day 2 part 2 (the 24-hour mark)

Well, it’s not really the 24-hour mark; I was watching a movie and I lost track of the time, sorry. No matter, I’m feeling fine and the gas has subsided. It appears that lady death has decided to pass me by, this time. So ends the horrible rumour that coke and pop rocks are a deadly combination.


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