Monday, February 25, 2013

It's National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day!!!

This is a pretty vague holiday in my opinion. I have many questions that I need answered before I can go out and celebrate.  For example, do peanuts count as nuts on Chocolate Covered Nut Day, because a peanut is not technically a nut, neither is a Brazil Nut.  And because the word "Nut" is plural, are we required to eat more than one variety of nut today.  This isn't as much a problem as a question since there are many varieties of nuts I enjoy covered in chocolate.  In fact, I can't think of any kind of nut that I wouldn't enjoy covered in chocolate.  I've tried many varieties of nuts in chocolate, except maybe cashews, do people eat them covered chocolate?  Maybe this is a day that I should answer these questions, for myself, and for chocolate covered nut fans all over the world.


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